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Sanson Community Plan May 2013


The attached is the 2013-2023 (Ten Year) Plan for Sanson. ___________________________________

Our plan is separate from the Manawatu District Council's (MDC) ten year plan; of which it was ratified this year, as:

MANAWATŪMEKE is about what makes our District awesome! Manawatū District Council is starting to prepare our plan for the next ten years and beyond: our 10 Year Plan 2021-2031.

Council understands that Covid-19 has changed the expectations and needs of our communities for the short term, as well as having longer reaching impacts. There is uncertainty about what the future will look like, and we will be taking that into account as we plan. It is important to Council that you let us know what is important to you.

We also want to know what you think makes the Manawatū District MANAWATŪMEKE! Let us know what you love by tagging us in your social media posts using #MANAWATŪMEKE or @manawatudc.


Simply put, the 10 Year Plan is Council's roadmap for the next 10 years and beyond. What does that really mean, and what does it include?

Every three years, Council is required to put together a Long Term Plan, describing the direction we want to move in for the next ten years. Council sets the strategic direction - overall, what do we want to achieve in the District?

With these priorities in mind, Council then revises work programs, projects, and budgets. Balancing our priorities, budgets, and projects can mean Council has to make some big decisions. We want to ensure that the community get a chance to learn about those decisions and can give input during the process.

MDC - LONG TERM PLAN 2018 - 2028

The Long Term Plan (LTP), otherwise known as the 10 Year Plan, details the Council’s plans for the next 10 years (2018-2028), including how Council intends to fund its ongoing programmes and capital works projects.

  • Long Term Plan 2018-28 (26MB pdf)

The LTP sets out the major projects proposed to be included in the Council’s 2018-2028 programme.

Part One: Sets out the Council vision for the District, the key issues that were consulted on and the changes to the plan made as a result of public consultation. Councils ongoing projects and commitments and the expected costs are outlined, and there is a list of projects that Council decided to not to progress. These are included to ensure we do not lose sight of them should funding become available in the future.

Part Two: This outlines information on Council's groups and activities: What we do, how we do it, contributions to community outcomes, levels of service you can expect and how activities are funded.

Part Three: This outlines all of our strategies and policies that guide us.

The Long Term Plan 2018-28 was adopted on 28 June 2018.

To view the LTP we are currently working towards, see the project page: Manawatū District 10 Year Plan 2021 - 2031

Previous Long Term Plans are also available:

  • Long Term Plan 2015-25 (8MB pdf)

  • Long Term Plan 2012-22 (3MB pdf)



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