Future publishing of the Sanson Village Sentinel
I'm about to get harsh, and I know it, but I have, with every issue, and with business letter drops at the start of this newsletter...
I'm about to get harsh, and I know it, but I have, with every issue, and with business letter drops at the start of this newsletter...
The Manawatu is one of the busiest and most complex pieces of airspace in New Zealand as it is home to the following aerodromes: »...
A shout out to the regulars, as well others has been made, such as: School (on holidays at present) Manawatu District Council - Mayor and...
Includes: Sanson School The Mayors Chair (new) MidCentral DHB - Newsletter and Covid-19 Vaccine info Dr Dave - Covid-19 Vaccine info...
Driving on New Zealand roads, as is everywhere, nationally or internationally, it's not necessarily you that needs to take care on the...
These are the Odds & Sods of Information I've collected from over the years, that I now publish here for you to browse. There may be some...
Within this folder there are plenty of businesses that you can call upon for issues that may arise in your homes, your water supply, down...
Sadly nothing came in this month from the School, Sanson Community Committee or the Manawatu Blokarting Club. However, you can catch up...
Join the membership and be informed when a new publication is made to the page.
Recycling doesn't take any more effort than it does to do the rubbish, so make it a priority at your place. Recycling is a must in this...
Sanson's logo, use, guidelines and application form. The application form can be either hand delivered to a monthly meeting, as... The...
The attached is the 2013-2023 (Ten Year) Plan for Sanson. ___________________________________ Our plan is separate from the Manawatu...
At the monthly meeting for the Sanson Community Committee, held 11th November 2020, Jeff Graham, Emergency Management Officer, for the...
Note: This is a directory of Sanson businesses only. If you spot potential edits or wish to be part of this directory, please email me,...